Liquid Caddy Black

Product Specifications


    • "The Liquid Caddy i the world' only gimbaled and adjutable beverage holder.
    • It i the perfect beverage holder for mounting onto a wheelchair.
    • Wide and trong velcro attachment will mount to any haped urface and it i extremely eay to remove.
    • The cup holder itelf thread onto the bruhed aluminum mount o the Velcro attachment can alway tay on the wheelchair.
    • It' eay of ue, non-pill gimbal and adjutability make the Liquid Caddy the only choice for wheelchair ue.
    • Every Liquid Caddy come with 4 attachment: A Velcro Mount w/ Extenion, a uction Mount, a Clip Mount, and a hard mount a hown.
    • Come in a variety of colour."